Lumsdaine, Metwally recognized with American Nuclear Society Presidential Citations

The American Nuclear Society has recognized Arnold Lumsdaine and Walid Metwally, group leaders within the Fusion and Fission Energy and Science Directorate at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, with ANS Presidential Citations.  

ANS Presidential Citations are awarded to individuals who have demonstrated outstanding effort for the benefit of the Society. The citations will be presented by ANS President Lisa Marshall during the plenary session at the 2025 ANS Winter Conference, held November 17 to 22, 2024.

Lumsdaine was recognized for his continued contributions to the Fusion Energy Division and efforts to make the American Nuclear Society a place for fusion engineers. 

A recognized mechanical engineer in the fusion community, Lumsdaine is the leader of the fusion engineering group at ORNL. Since joining the lab in 2009, he has served in lead engineering roles for the design and analysis of high-heat flux divertor components, high-power microwave transmission line components, high-vacuum vessels, and plasma-facing systems and was lead engineer for the Materials Plasma Exposure eXperiment, or MPEX, project from 2018 to 2022. 

Lumsdaine serves as the director of the Innovation Network for Fusion Energy or INFUSE and chaired the Fusion Energy Division of the American Nuclear Society from 2016-19 and co-chaired the FESAC Subcommittee on Transformative Enabling Capabilities from 2017 to 2018. 

Lumsdaine holds a Bachelor of Science, Master of Science, and doctorate in mechanical engineering from the University of Michigan. 

Metwally was recognized his exemplary leadership in the development of the Nuclear 101 Certificate Course and for his significant contributions to the ANS Special Committee on Certification. The Nuclear 101 Certificate Course was introduced during the 2024 Winter Conference and was met with high demand, with registration completely filled by nuclear industry professionals. 

Metwally is a distinguished R&D staff member and leader of the Nuclear Criticality Safety group at ORNL. His expertise is concentrated in the fields of criticality analysis of nuclear fuel storage, radiation transport modeling, and radiation detection and measurement. Before joining the Lab in 2022, Metwally held positions at the Atomic Energy Authority in Egypt, North Carolina State University, United Arab Emirates University, and Global Nuclear Fuel in Wilmington, NC. He has also held academic positions at the University of Sharjah, UAE, where he founded and chaired the Nuclear Engineering and Mechanical Engineering Programs and later served as the vice dean of the College of Engineering. 

Metwally serves as an executive board member for ABET, an international accreditation organization, as well as a commissioner, and program evaluator, chair of the ANS Accreditation Policy and Procedures Committee. He was past chair of the UAE ANS local section, past chair of WG1 of the IAEA International Nuclear Security Education Network (INSEN), and a technical expert on IAEA missions and assignments.

He obtained his Bachelor of Science and Master of Science in Nuclear Engineering from Alexandria University, Egypt and earned his doctorate from North Carolina State University. He also holds a Master of Science in Operations Research from North Carolina State University and a Masters in Business Administration from the University of North Carolina, Wilmington. 

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