PNSY Successfully Undocks Cheyenne

“I couldn’t be more proud of the Cheyenne crew and the men and women of Portsmouth Naval Shipyard for all the work to achieve this significant milestone,” said Cheyenne Commanding Officer Cmdr. Kyle Calton. “Undocking is one of the most meaningful events in our overhaul period, returning Cheyenne to the water where she belongs and putting a huge gust of wind in our sails as we prepare to return to sea.”

Cheyenne has undergone major repairs, structural inspections, and replacements of mechanical and electrical systems. This extensive work, led by the project team, has enhanced the submarine’s capabilities, ensuring advanced systems are delivered to warfighters at the tip of the spear. These efforts contribute to the fleet’s operational readiness and support national defense priorities.

As Cheyenne’s undocking is a significant achievement, it’s especially noteworthy considering the ongoing construction work of the multi-mission dry dock project as part of the Navy’s Shipyard Infrastructure Optimization Program. It also underscores the innovative approach of the nation’s public shipyards to meet the chief of naval operations’ goals of restoring critical infrastructure and increasing the number of combat-ready platforms available to the fleet.

“Reaching the undocking milestone is a big win during any maintenance availability. The efforts on Cheyenne are even more impressive as the team executed their highly complex work amid an active construction zone for our multi-mission dry dock,” said shipyard commander Capt. Michael Oberdorf. “It’s like cooking Thanksgiving dinner while renovating your kitchen – it requires thoughtful planning, coordination, and superb execution. Cheyenne’s undocking underscores our shipyard’s commitment to not only meet our current mission but ensures we can meet the future needs of America’s warfighting Navy to support and defend our nation.”

“I am incredibly proud of the men and women of Portsmouth Naval Shipyard and the crew of Cheyenne for all their hard work to complete the work necessary to undock on-time,” said Cheyenne project superintendent Jerry Legere. “They met every challenge head-on with tenacity and selflessness – they are all heroes. Through this incredible effort we have postured Cheyenne to be delivered as a fully mission capable submarine operated by a highly skilled crew ready to answer the nation’s call.”

Attack submarines are multi-mission platforms that enable five of the six core capabilities of the Navy’s maritime strategy: sea control, power projection, forward presence, maritime security, and deterrence. They are designed for excellence in anti-submarine warfare, anti-ship warfare, strike warfare, special operations, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance, irregular warfare, and mine warfare. Attack submarines also project power ashore through special operations forces and Tomahawk cruise missiles, playing a critical role in preventing or preparing for regional crises.

As the Navy’s leader in attack submarine maintenance and modernization, PNSY enhances critical warfighting capabilities by safely delivering first-time quality work, ensuring our undersea warf-ighters are battle-ready when called upon.


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