NMCB 11 Seabees help stranded motorists

The Seabees were convoying home from an exercise when they noticed a submerged vehicle near the site of a collision and quickly rushed to the aid of the two elderly occupants inside.
“We spotted the car while stopped for a routine check and ran straight over,” said Builder 2nd Class Thomas McLaughlin, who helped with the rescue. “The occupants were frightened but felt reassured when they saw us get into the water to help.”
After carrying the motorists to safety through waist-deep mud and water, the Seabees returned to the vehicle to retrieve personal belongings.
Now safe on dry land, Hospital Corpsman 1st Class Marcos Ramirez assessed all motorists involved in the three-car accident for injuries while Equipment Operator 1st Class Andrew Warren coordinated with emergency services.
Once first responders took over the scene, the convoy was back on the road and returned safely to Naval Construction Battalion Center Gulfport, Mississippi.
NMCB-11, assigned to Naval Construction Group (NCG) 2, is homeported in Gulfport as part of the Naval Construction Force.
The mission of NCG 2 is to organize, man, train, maintain, and equip Naval Construction Regiments (NCRs), NMCBs, the Construction Battalion Maintenance Unit (CBMU), and the Underwater Construction Team (UCT) to provide supported commanders with expeditionary engineering forces capable of general engineering and construction, and limited combat engineering across the full range of military operations.


This "NMCB 11 Seabees help stranded motorists" was originally found on https://www.navy.mil/Press-Office/News-Stories/Term/3087/



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