Navy Career Development Symposium Coming to the Southeast

CDS is an opportunity for Sailors to directly interact with MyNavy HR representatives and learn important career-enhancing information. Sailors can meet with detailers, enlisted community managers, and other policy experts. CDS is also an opportunity to learn about professional development opportunities like the U.S. Naval Community College, Navy COOL, and MyNavy Coaching.

CDS Southeast will be held at Naval Air Station Jacksonville on Dec. 3, Naval Station Mayport on Dec. 4, and Naval Submarine Base Kings Bay on Dec. 5. Each event will start with an all-hands call with senior MyNavy HR leaders.

“Through CDS, we provide Sailors with the opportunity to take control of their careers,” said Navy Personnel Command Force Master Chief Bill Houlihan. “We bring senior leadership from across MyNavy HR as well as detailers and other policy experts to answer questions and provide career guidance to Sailors in the fleet.”

Naval Air Station Jacksonville will start CDS with an all-hands call at 8:30 a.m. at the base chapel, followed by events at the River Cove Bingo Hall. CDS at Naval Station Mayport will start at 8:30 a.m. with an all-hands call at the base gym, followed by events at Ocean Breeze, the base chapel, Stark Classroom and the Beacon. CDS at Naval Submarine Base Kings Bay will start at 8:30 a.m. with an all-hands call at the Triplex.

To view the full schedule of events for all three days, visit:


This "Navy Career Development Symposium Coming to the Southeast" was originally found on



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