FY26 Advanced Education Voucher Program Offers Chiefs Mess Path to Master’s Degree

The AEV program provides financial assistance to selected senior enlisted personnel to complete post-secondary, Navy-relevant degrees through off-duty education.

“The AEV program supports the continued educational development of senior enlisted leaders as part of the Navy’s seasoned team of naval warriors,” said Albert Sharlow, NETC AEV program manager. “The program provides the Navy’s chief, senior chief and master chief petty officers a platform to pursue higher education that makes them more effective leaders with varied sets of knowledge, skills and experiences to operate, sustain and maintain an edge in today’s rapidly changing security environment.”

Who is eligible?

Applicants must be top performing active-duty senior enlisted personnel (E-7 to E-9) who are transferring to or currently on shore duty with sufficient time ashore to complete a master’s degree program. Applicants on sea duty may apply provided they submit an education plan that shows the ability to complete the degree program as specified above.

For FY24, applicants must have already earned a baccalaureate degree from an institution of higher learning accredited by an agency recognized by the Department of Education.

How many quotas are available?

The AEV program has seven quotas for master’s degrees available for FY26.

What Navy-relevant degrees are included in the AEV program?

Degrees considered for the master’s program include, but not limited to the below examples:
• Emergency and Disaster Management
• Human Resources
• Project Management
• Engineering and Technology
• Systems Analysis
• Information Technology
• Homeland Defense and Security
• Leadership and Management
• Business Administration
• Education and Training Management

The NETC AEV program manager must validate degree programs other than those listed above as a Navy-relevant degree.

How much funding does the Navy provide?
For FY26, AEV Program participants will receive funds for tuition, books, and related fees for completion of their master’s degree with funding limits set at a maximum of $20,000 per fiscal year for up to 24 months from the date of signing a letter of acceptance, not to exceed $40,000 total program cost.

When does the program begin?

Applicants should be available to commence their studies in the 2025 fall term (after Oct. 1, 2025).

Is there a service obligation?

Participants shall agree to remain on active duty for a period equal to three times the number of months of education completed or three years, whichever is less.

What is the submission deadline?

Applications should be e-mailed to the program manager by May 5, 2025.

Where can I get additional information on the program?

• Visit the AEV information page on the Navy College Program’s website at https://www.navycollege.navy.mil/sailors/additional-funding-and-programs
• Contact Albert Sharlow, NETC N525, (850) 452-7271 or DSN 459-7271

NETC recruits, trains and delivers those who serve our nation, taking them from “street to fleet,” by transforming civilians into highly skilled, operational, and combat-ready warfighters.

For more information about NETC, visit the command’s website at https://www.netc.navy.mil/ and follow the command’s social media: Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/NETCHQ, Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/netc_hq, X at https://twitter.com/NETC_HQ and LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/company/netchq/.


This "FY26 Advanced Education Voucher Program Offers Chiefs Mess Path to Master’s Degree" was originally found on https://www.navy.mil/Press-Office/News-Stories/Term/3087/



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