Ceremonial Signing Celebrates Department of the Navy-Sourcewell Partnership

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Brenda Johnson-Turner, Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Installations and Facilities, along with senior leaders from the Navy and Marine Corps signed the new agreement with Sourcewell representatives at the Defense Communities Installation Innovation Forum conference in San Antonio, TX, Oct. 28. 

“I am truly excited about our new agreement with Sourcewell,” stated Ms. Johnson-Turner, “as a department, we must use the authorities Congress grants in innovative and sound ways to meet our installation missions in a fiscally constrained environment.  The IGSA authority is a terrific tool, and this particular agreement with Sourcewell will provide new opportunities for our Navy and Marine Corps teams to ensure our installations are ready to support the needs of our warfighters.”

The agreement aims to increase Navy and Marine Corps buying power by decreasing procurement costs and delivery timelines for various installation-support services, supplies, and equipment. It also allows Navy and Marine Corps installations to leverage Sourcewell’s extensive list of competitively awarded contracts to procure goods and services faster.  This translates to increased opportunity to buy down risk to naval missions and forces by ensuring U.S. tax dollars approved for Department of the Navy spending go further in meeting infrastructure and base support requirements.  Installations will be able to request Sourcewell’s services in key areas to include installation supplies, equipment, services, and small-scale construction projects.

“It’s an honor to work with Navy and Marine Corps installations, providing efficient and effective support so they can achieve mission success,” said Dr. Chad Coauette, Sourcewell Chief Executive Officer. “This agreement enables our team to work with installation leadership to procure goods and services through local businesses whenever possible. By awarding supplier contracts at the corporate level, Sourcewell makes it possible for installations to work with local authorized dealers and contractors.”

This is the second IGSA between Sourcewell and a Department of Defense military department. Earlier this year, Sourcewell signed a similar agreement with the U.S. Army.


This "Ceremonial Signing Celebrates Department of the Navy-Sourcewell Partnership" was originally found on https://www.navy.mil/Press-Office/News-Stories/Term/3087/



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