Assistant Attorney General Jonathan Kanter Delivers Remarks on the Platformization of Health care

The time has come to fundamentally redefine our approach to antitrust and competition policy for health care.

For the past three years, I have had the privilege to connect with people across the country. In the coming weeks, I will take time to reflect on my time at the Antitrust Division and our tremendous achievements. But not today.

Throughout the country I have heard deep-seated concern about the growth and expansion of monopoly power across our country and economy. In nearly every corner of the country and nearly every industry, the story remains startlingly consistent: people want the opportunity to build better lives for themselves.

They do not want handouts. They want to work hard and reap just rewards. They want a free and fair economy. Despite these admirable and righteous aspirations, too many people find that the pathways to economic freedom are limited, shrinking, or nonexistent.

It is striking to me that almost every conversation I have with concerned Americans eventually and inevitably turns to health care.

This crime news article "Assistant Attorney General Jonathan Kanter Delivers Remarks on the Platformization of Health care" was originally found on

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