Two papers led by researchers from the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory received “Editor’s Choice” awards from the journal Future Generation Computer Systems

ORNL researchers Tom Beck and Daniel Claudino had their respective research papers included on the prestigious, bi-annual list, which was featured in the Fall 2024 issue titled Advances in Quantum Computing: Methods, Algorithms, and Systems Vol I. Both papers explored the possibilities of integrating quantum computing, or QC, with high performance computing, or HPC.

Beck, the section head for science engagement for the National Center for Computational Sciences, led a team that examined the integration of QC as an asset in computational acceleration within classical scientific HPC systems. The team also developed a hardware-agnostic framework that combines QC with HPC, enabling improved performance for complex workflows.

Beck emphasized the increased reach for the team’s work that comes from being included on the Editor’s Choice list.

“The paper has also stimulated several potential collaborations with quantum efforts in the U.S. and internationally as we tackle the challenges of producing utility scale quantum computers,” Beck said.  

The paper will be under consideration for the annual Best Paper Award, to be selected at the beginning of 2025.   

Claudino, a research scientist in quantum computer science, and his team established a framework for quantum computers to work together like an HPC network. By designing it to function as an HPC node – a computer system that works within an HPC cluster– users can operate the model without having to assign a task to each computer.

“It’s a nice recognition because it’s such a prestigious journal,” Claudino said. “There’s a lot of people in their readership who are very knowledgeable about large scale computing. Being recognized and highlighted by this journal and having that level of exposure is really nice.” 

ORNL has a long history in advancing both supercomputing and quantum technology. Through the lab’s Quantum Science Center, which boasts over 200 staff and students and 166 publications between 2020 and 2022, works with national laboratories, industry partners and universities to research quantum sensing, computing and materials. 

ORNL is also home to the Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility, or OLCF, and houses the world’s fastest supercomputer, Frontier. The OLCF operates the Quantum Computing User Program, which supports independent quantum research by providing time on privately owned quantum processors around the United States.

UT-Battelle manages ORNL for the Department of Energy’s Office of Science, the single largest supporter of basic research in the physical sciences in the United States. The Office of Science is working to address some of the most pressing challenges of our time. For more information, please visit – Mark Alewine

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