The U.S. National Science Foundation Growing Convergence Research (NSF GCR) awards are fostering deep integration across disciplines and pushing the boundaries of current research paradigms. The awards bring together experts from multiple science, technology, engineering and mathematics fields to tackle complex challenges across various topics, including national security, energy and STEM education.  

“These awards require that researchers work across traditional disciplinary boundaries and leverage the expertise of different fields to drive innovation and discovery,” said Alicia J. Knoedler, head of the NSF Office of Integrative Activities. “Learning and practicing collaboration between and among disciplines are critical skills that investigators and teams need to develop. NSF’s investments through these awards reinforce the importance of capacity building to perform convergence in research and training.”  

The NSF GCR program supports high-risk, cutting-edge research and helps to cultivate a new generation of interdisciplinary scientists. Projects are inspired by a societal grand challenge or a fundamental research question at the forefront of STEM. By growing novel collaborations and cross-disciplinary training, these awards will empower researchers to think outside the box and develop innovative approaches to scientific inquiry. This advances the frontiers of knowledge and paves the way for breakthroughs that can benefit society. 

The awardees and short descriptions are listed below:  

  • Rooted in Nature: Bioinspired Design of Sustainable Seeding Methods to Improve Forest RegenerationUniversity of California, Berkeley, Cornell University, Syracuse University and The Pennsylvania State University 

    Forest regeneration is essential for combating climate change. Challenges like limited seed availability and time-consuming seedling cultivation hinder forest restoration efforts. This project will integrate expertise in material science, engineering, ecology and other areas to create biodegradable, self-burying seed carriers for efficient, lower-cost aerial seeding. The researchers will investigate seed carrier designs applicable to different ecosystems. The team will also develop new ways of evaluating and improving the effectiveness of the seeding techniques. This research will boost forest restoration, providing economic advantages and enhancing ecological resilience. 

  • Non-Equilibrium Electrochemical Plasma Catalysis for Distributed Electrified Ammonia SynthesisPrinceton University, Duke University and Rutgers University–Newark 

    Ammonia is a fuel for green power generation and a medium for energy storage and transport. It is also vital to food production as a key agricultural fertilizer. Traditional ammonia synthesis is energy-intensive and produces carbon dioxide. It also relies on fossil fuels and high-pressure catalysis. This project aims to advance the development of new electrified reactors that produce green ammonia with renewable electricity from atmospheric nitrogen and water. These reactors can help decarbonize chemical plants and address challenges in renewable energy storage. The project team will use novel integration across disciplines to create a nonequilibrium electrochemical plasma catalysis system for ammonia synthesis from water, nitrogen and electricity. Its success will be an innovation in nonequilibrium green chemical manufacturing. 

  • Engineering, SocioEconomic and Environmental Convergence of Ocean Wave Energy Research for Remote Coastal Communities University of Michigan – Ann Arbor, Virginia Tech, East Carolina University and University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 

    In some rural coastal and island areas, electricity must be transported over long distances, and the supply is less robust, creating a challenge that hinders socioeconomic growth. Ocean waves along U.S. coastlines offer abundant energy resources, and over 200 concepts have been proposed for generating electricity from wave energy. Researchers from this project will examine which of the proposed concepts are most practical for island and coastal communities from engineering and socioeconomic perspectives. They will validate the most promising concepts through community engagement and ocean tests. The project integrates engineering, environmental and social sciences experts and an external advisory board with community end users and commercial developers to implement a convergent, community-engaged approach to this research challenge. 

  • Mineral Detection of Dark MatterVirginia Tech, University of Michigan – Ann Arbor and University of North Florida 

    Dark matter plays an important role in the formation of galaxies and the universe’s evolution, but it has proven very difficult to detect directly. This project will integrate engineering, physics, geoscience and materials science to establish whether evidence of interactions between dark matter and ordinary matter can be found through “mineral detection.” Researchers will explore whether crystals in rocks can be used to look for evidence of interactions with dark matter over geological timescales. The team aims to develop a new path for advancing understanding of what dark matter is. 

  • Towards a Physics-Inspired Approach to Computation on Encrypted DataBoston University, University of Central Florida and Cornell University 

    Harnessing the wealth of electronically stored data for applications with societal value raises security and privacy concerns that are likely to hinder progress and return on investment in an artificial intelligence-powered economy. This project will combine ideas and tools from physics, mathematics and computer science to explore a new paradigm for circuit obfuscation in cryptography and establish the security and efficiency of encrypted operator computing. The research team aims to accelerate the development of trusted, low-overhead tools that enable computation directly on encrypted data so that, for example, confidential data can be shared with an untrusted party who can extract insights from the data without having access to the unencrypted data. 

  • The Other Plastic Problem: Quantifying and Predicting Impacts of Plastic Additives Across Levels of Biological and Social OrganizationDuke University and The Pennsylvania State University 

    Plastic pollution is widespread and harms various species. One major gap in knowledge is the combined biological impact of the many chemicals added to plastics to tailor their properties. Plastic additives are chemicals that are included within plastic polymers to enhance function. These additives include over ~10,000 chemicals and include known endocrine disruptors, pro-inflammatory agents and mutagens. Addressing this research challenge requires integrating expertise across molecular and cell biology, environmental chemistry and toxicology, materials science, policy and other fields. This project will allow an integrated research team to develop and employ novel approaches for analyzing the effects of plastic additives on cells, organisms and ecological communities; ground-truth product use and additive exposures; and evaluate mitigation strategies. The project also aims to engage stakeholders to reduce plastic pollution and empower underrepresented students in STEM to take action. 

  • GCR: Towards a Convergent Understanding of the Dynamics of Uncertainty in Individuals and Groups with a Focus on STEM Education Tufts University 

    Developing a systematic understanding of how people manage ambiguity, uncertainty and confusion (AU&C) is a complex challenge. This project integrates social sciences, data sciences and engineering to build new capabilities for studying AU&C management in the context of STEM learning. This will allow researchers to understand how to enable students to productively engage with AU&C in STEM. The research team will develop novel methods for collecting and analyzing student data using a multimodal approach, including behavioral, linguistic and physiological sensing. Using these methods, researchers will investigate the individual and group dynamics of AC&U within STEM learning environments, with the long-term goal of producing new educational practices that embrace complexity and uncertainty. In this, the project aims to bridge the disconnect between how science is taught and the practice of STEM professionals. 

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