Across the world, more than 90 countries have joined together to protect radioactive sources from falling into the hands of adversaries. This global community actively searches for lost or stolen material using radiation portal monitors that scan people, cars, trucks, trains and luggage at airports, seaports, border crossings and other international checkpoints. Of these countries, about half send the data from their monitors to the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory to review for maintenance issues. Recently, ORNL received radiation information for the one billionth item to be scanned, highlighting a milestone of nuclear nonproliferation collaboration. 

DOE’s National Nuclear Security Administration’s, or NNSA, Office of Nuclear Smuggling Detection and Deterrence started deploying radiation detectors in 1998 after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Deployments initially focused on the Russian border but later expanded to other checkpoints around the world. In 2008, ORNL began to formally receive, store and analyze the radiation data from the globally distributed detectors. To date, the program has deployed more than 5,000 radiation portal monitors to countries willing to work with the United States to further their commitment to reduce the risk of smuggled nuclear material. 

“We have received data from more than 40 countries from well over 1,000 different radiation portal monitors,” said Alexander Enders, a nonproliferation program manager at ORNL. “The program has partnerships with 92 countries around the world, and researchers from ORNL traveled to 63 of them last year.” Trips abroad include managing relationships to ensure the needs of each country are met and equipment is working properly. 

On Feb. 15, 2024, the one billionth item, also known as an “occupancy,” was scanned at the Port of Aqaba, Jordan, one of the early sites where radiation detection equipment was installed. Representatives from DOE expressed their deep appreciation and gratitude for the longstanding partnership with Jordan’s Energy and Minerals Regulatory Commission to keep Jordan, the region and the world safe. This milestone shows the extent of countries committed to preventing the spread of radioactive material through the amount of data volunteered to ORNL for continuous improvement. As adversaries push the limits of smuggling dangerous material, this collaboration pushes back through science-backed analysis. 

This Oak Ridge National Laboratory news article "One billion opportunities to protect nuclear material" was originally found on