“The technical nuclear forensics community is dedicated to understanding where materials outside of regulatory control originated and how long they have been outside of regulatory control,” said Ashley Shields, a computational chemist in ORNL’s Nuclear Nonproliferation Division. “This information is key for law enforcement investigations.”

While the broader research venture is concerned with whether taggants can be added in a way that fuel fabricators can produce, without compromising safety or performance, the ORNL team is looking at the materials that occur early in the nuclear fuel cycle to determine when – if at all – a taggant could be added to provide a novel, measurable signature throughout the fuel cycle. 

“As part of our research, we synthesize tagged materials and analyze whether the taggant changed the original material’s properties in a way that we can clearly attribute to the presence of the tag,” said Tyler Spano, a nuclear security scientist at ORNL and the publication’s lead author. 

By studying the physiochemical behavior of the taggants and how they persist – or don’t – during relevant chemical processing, the team hopes to identify effective forensic taggant materials. The research, which was highlighted by the Nuclear Forensics International Technical Working Group as a notable publication, represents a step toward understanding the feasibility of intentional nuclear forensics and, ultimately, the ability to determine the provenance of nuclear materials found outside of regulatory control.

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This Oak Ridge National Laboratory news article "Uranium science researchers investigate feasibility of intentional nuclear forensics" was originally found on https://www.ornl.gov/news