PR 2023

We Will NOT Call & Demand Money for Warrants/Fines/Fees


The Spokane County Sheriff’s Office continues to receive reports of scammers trying to lie, intimidate, trick, and threaten people into paying fines or “civil litigation” fees.  Do not fall for these scams, and NEVER provide your personal or banking information to anyone you do not know and trust.  

Law Enforcement, Courts, or any other government agency will never call and demand payment for any reason.  However, scammers will, so don’t be duped.

Recently, we have received reports regarding scammers identifying themselves as Spokane County Sheriff’s Office employees.  In one reported instance, the criminal predator left a message for the potential target of the scam, stating that she (victim) needed to call to discuss an “urgent legal matter”.  When she called the number provided by the scammer, she received a voicemail system.   The male scammer called her back, saying she failed to appear for a “federal trial interview” and now had citations.  He advised her to turn herself in at 1100 W. Mallon or that she could go through a “civil litigation procedure” and pay the fees at a Safeway kiosk.

However, when he mispronounced Wellesley, she became suspicious and thankfully did not give any money to this criminal.  

If you are unsure if the call you received is a scam, look up the agency’s phone number and call them directly using the number you looked up, not the number provided by the scammer.   

However, it is a SCAM if they demand payment or personal/banking information.     

People who receive calls from scammers can report the information to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) at or Crime Check at 509-456-2233.  

The FTC website has additional information, tips, and different scamming alerts. 

This Spokane County Sheriff Office news article "We Will NOT Call & Demand Money for Warrants/Fines/Fees" was originally found on