PR 2023

Deputies Observe Victim Being Assaulted, One Suspect Arrested for Assault and Obstructing, and One Suspect Arrested for DUI


While patrolling, Spokane County Sheriff’s Deputies hear yelling and later observe a female victim on the ground, surrounded by two male suspects, being violently attacked by another female suspect.  The female suspect was arrested for Assault and Obstructing.  An adult male suspect was identified as the driver of a vehicle involved, and he was arrested for DUI.  The third suspect, a juvenile male, was not charged with a crime.  The adult female victim suffered minor injuries and refused further medical attention.  


On July 24, 2024, at approximately 10:35 pm, two Spokane County Sheriff’s Deputies were on patrol in a fully marked patrol car near N. Division Street and W. Lyons Avenue when they heard yelling.  They observed an adult female victim on the ground being violently punched and kicked by a female suspect, later identified as 18-year-old Alyssa A. Smith, and two males surrounding the attack.  


As the Deputies approached, they exited their patrol car, identified themselves, and ordered Smith to stop.  Smith stopped the attack but turned to walk away despite orders to stop and get on the ground.  With Smith willfully disobeying the lawful commands, she was taken to the ground and handcuffed.  


The two males, one identified as 18-year-old Timothy I. Welch and the second, later determined to be a juvenile, were ordered to stay back, but they continued to approach.  The Deputy drew his Taser and again gave commands to get back.  Eventually, both decided to stop and keep their distance.  Welch complied with additional commands and was detained without further incident.  The juvenile was initially not compliant and verbally resistive but soon decided to follow commands and was detained as several Spokane Police Officers and Deputies arrived to assist.  


Through the subsequent investigation, Deputies learned the incident began when the adult female victim crossed Division Street on foot as the three suspects in a Dodge truck traveling south almost hit her.  She threw her coffee cup at the Dodge, hitting it, and yelled at the occupants.  


The driver of the truck (Welch) turned into the parking lot, and all three exited the Dodge.  The victim said she was punched and kicked during the violent attack, which stopped when the Deputies arrived.  She reported minor injuries and refused additional medical treatment at the scene.    


After being advised of her rights, Smith refused to answer questions or provide a statement.  She refused additional medical treatment at the scene.       


Welch, the driver of the Dodge, was suspected of driving while impaired and asked to submit to voluntary field sobriety evaluations.  A preliminary breath test and later an evidentiary breath test showed a result of nearly twice the legal limit of .08 for a 21-year-old adult.  As a person under 21, the BAC limit is .02.


Welch was transported and booked into the Spokane County Jail for DUI and two counts of Reckless Endangerment 2nd Degree.  


Smith was transported and booked into the Spokane County Jail for Assault 4th Degree and Obstructing.

This Spokane County Sheriff Office news article "Deputies Observe Victim Being Assaulted, One Suspect Arrested for Assault and Obstructing" was originally found on