Small Plane Declares Emergency and Lands on Football Field

Four People Onboard Uninjured


Spokane Valley Deputies responded to a small aircraft declaring an emergency, stating they were approximately 6 miles from Felts Filed.  Deputies located the plane, which had made an emergency landing on the Horizon Middle School football field south of University High School.  The four occupants onboard were uninjured.  The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) was advised and is investigating.  


On June 23, 2024, at approximately 7:40 pm, Spokane Valley Deputies received reports that the pilot of a small plane, approximately 6 miles southeast of Felts Field, was declaring an emergency and unsure if they could make it to the airport.


The pilot of the Cessna 182 said the engine quit, making a landing at Felts Filed impossible.  He noticed the football field and landed the plane due to the emergency.  He and his three passengers were uninjured.  All four were provided medical attention at the scene as a precaution. 


The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) was advised of the incident.  FAA investigators responded and are investigating.  



This Spokane County Sheriff Office news article "Small Plane Declares Emergency and Lands on Football Field - Four People Onboard Uninjured" was originally found on