Suspected Impaired Driver, with a History of Impaired Driving, Arrested for Felony DUI and Two Misdemeanor Warrants for Similar Charges

A Spokane Valley Deputy noticed a suspicious vehicle and, believing the driver was possibly impaired, conducted a traffic stop.  The investigation established probable cause to arrest the driver for DUI.  With the suspect’s arrest/conviction history, he was charged with felony DUI and additional misdemeanor charges.  The suspect was also found to have two valid misdemeanor warrants for similar driving charges.


On June 20, 2024, at approximately 12:45 am, a Spokane Valley Traffic Unit Deputy observed a black BMW stopped in the middle northbound lane on Dishman Mica, just south of Sprague Ave.


The vehicle drew the Deputy’s attention because the driver had stopped approximately a car length from where most motorists stop (stop line) without any vehicle in front of it.  The Deputy pulled his fully marked patrol car behind the sedan, which remained stationary despite now having a green traffic light.  After several seconds and two vehicles passed, one needing to swerve around it while revving its engine, the BMW slowly moved forward as the traffic light cycled to yellow and then red.  The driver of the BMW slowly drifted toward the far-right lane, eventually stopping for the red light while occupying a portion of both lanes.   


When the light turned green, the Deputy activated his emergency lights to conduct a traffic stop and investigate the condition of the driver, later identified as 36-year-old Todd M. Perry.  During the contact, Perry exhibited several indications of possible impairment, admitted to using Methamphetamine in the last day or two, and that he is a somewhat regular user.  Perry agreed to participate in voluntary field sobriety evaluations.   


While the evaluations were conducted, an assisting Deputy located suspected drug paraphernalia, burnt tinfoil with residue, and a plastic pipe (tooter) inside the BMW.  Perry stated the vehicle was not his, and he knew nothing about the drug paraphernalia.   


During the evals, Perry agreed to a preliminary breath test, which showed a test result of .000.  From the Deputy’s observation and the recovery of the paraphernalia, the Deputy established probable cause to arrest Perry for suspicion of driving under the influence of drugs.  


A check of Perry’s name showed two valid misdemeanor warrants for his arrest (Physical control of a vehicle while under the influence, Driving while suspended, Operating vehicle w/o interlock device), his Revoked 1st Degree driving status, and that he was required to have an interlock device installed.


Perry agreed to additional evaluations conducted by an assisting WSP Trooper, a Drug Recognition Expert (DRE).  The Deputy also requested and received a search warrant to obtain a blood sample from Perry for further testing. 


Due to Perry’s prior arrest and conviction history for impaired driving offenses, this current arrest was charged as a felony. 


Perry was booked into the Spokane County Jail for a new charge of felony DUI and new misdemeanor charges of Driving while Suspended/Revoked and Driving without Required Interlock Installed in addition to his warrants.    

Stopped in LaneBurnt FoilPipe-Tooter

This Spokane County Sheriff Office news article "Suspected Impaired Driver, with a History of Impaired Driving, Arrested for Felony DUI and Warrants" was originally found on