PR 2023

SCIU Detectives Arrest Prolific Thief and Multi-Time Convicted Felon


Spokane County Sheriff’s Office Deputies have responded to several reported vehicle prowlings at the Antoine Peak trailheads over the last few weeks.  Spokane County Investigative Unit (SCIU) Detectives began investigating the incidents along with the evidence gained by Deputies.  Through the investigation, SCIU Investigators identified a suspect linked to two of the vehicle prowlings and the associated fraudulent credit card purchases. Detectives contacted and arrested the suspect, who is a prolific thief and multi-time convicted felon.    

The investigations into the other reported vehicle prowlings in the area continue, and additional arrests/charges are expected.  

On September 15, 2024, at approximately 9:15 am, an adult female victim reported that she parked her vehicle at the Antoine Peak trailhead parking lot, 17711 E. Wellesley Avenue, to enjoy the beautiful Spokane County Park and conservation area.

She hid her purse, which contained her wallet, debit/credit cards, identification, and other personal information/cards, under the seat before starting her hike.  She told Deputies that she received text messages from her bank advising of suspected fraudulent purchases.  She also found the window of her vehicle shattered and that her purse/contents had been stolen.

On September 19, 2024, at approximately 9:45 am, an adult female victim parked her vehicle at the Antoine Peak trailhead parking lot, 19516 E. Lincoln Road, to enjoy the beautiful Spokane County Park and take her dog for a walk.  

She noticed a suspicious-looking male loitering around.  She took her wallet out of her purse, locked the wallet in the glove box, put her purse under the seat, and locked her car.  She also had the presence of mind to take a picture of the suspicious male before starting a walk with her dog.  

As she did, she noticed the male she had observed in the parking lot was talking on his phone while walking behind her on the trail, but he eventually turned off.  Approximately 40 minutes into her walk, she received a text notification from her bank regarding a possible unauthorized credit card charge.  She returned to her vehicle to find her wallet had been stolen and the suspicious male was gone.  

The victim told Deputies that her wallet contained cash, credit/debit cards, and other forms of identification and personal information.  She spent the day contacting her banks, the Department of Licensing, and other entities to advise them of the theft and have new cards/IDs issued.    

Deputies began investigating the separate incident and forwarded all the information to SCIU Investigators, who started working on these and other reported vehicle prowlings at the trailhead parking lots.   

Through the investigation and working with Loss Prevention employees of the store where the debit/credit cards were used or attempted to be used, SCIU Detectives positively identified one suspect as 34-year-old Yuriy V. Siriy, a prolific thief and several-time convicted felon.  

On September 24, 2024, SCIU Detectives contacted Siriy and arrested him after establishing probable cause to charge him in connection with the vehicle prowlings detailed above.   

Siriy was transported and booked for several counts of Identity Theft 2nd Degree, Possession of Stolen Property 2nd Degree, Theft 2nd Degree, and Vehicle Prowling.

The following day, Siriy appeared in Spokane County Superior Court, where Superior Court Commissioner E. Cruz set Siriy’s total case bond at $5,000.  At the time of this release, Siriy remains in custody at the Spokane County Jail.  

SCIU Detectives continue investigating the Antoine Peak prowlings; additional charges and arrests are expected.  


Note:  Please do not leave ANYTHING of value, including identification or personal information, in your vehicles when they are unattended.  Unfortunately, Thieves/Criminals are out looking for their next target of opportunity, and we do NOT want that to be you.  

Also, remember, if you See Something, Say Something.  Report suspicious activity to Crime Check at 509-456-2233.  

If you wish to check on current inmates and if a bond amount is set, please go to the Spokane County Detention Services Jail Roster at this link.       


This Spokane County Sheriff Office news article "SCIU Detectives Arrest Prolific Thief and Multi-Time Convicted Felon" was originally found on