Navy installations will exercise their security forces during Citadel Pacific 2024 (CP24), an annually reoccurring force protection exercise assessing emergency response in Navy Joint Region Marianas, and Region Japan (July 15-19), Navy Region Korea (Aug. 19-23), and Navy Region Hawaii, (Oct. 28-Nov. 1).

Commander, Navy Installations Command (CNIC) and Commander, U.S. Pacific Fleet conduct this exercise to bolster Navy security personnel readiness and assess command and control capabilities, ensuring the effectiveness of antiterrorism programs across the Indo-Pacific region.

“Citadel Pacific serves as a crucial training opportunity for maintaining a high level of readiness in an evolving security environment,” said Marjorie, Lutz, Director of Operations for CNIC. “It provides a learning atmosphere for our Navy Security Forces to exercise operational protection plans and capabilities, ensuring they are prepared to respond effectively to any threat scenario.”

Citadel Pacific is an annual exercise and not in response to any specific threat. CNIC conducts annual force protection exercises at each of its 70 installations, across the globe. CP24 is designed to ensure our people and security forces are at peak readiness to deter and respond to potential security threats. This annual exercise uses realistic scenarios to ensure U.S. Navy security forces maintain a high level of readiness to respond to changing and dynamic threats.

Efforts have been made to reduce impacts on nearby communities and daily base activities. However, during the exercise, there might be instances of traffic congestion or delays at entry points. Residents in the area could also observe or hear unusual activities related to the exercise, such as smoke, simulated gunfire, explosions, and announcements over the base’s loudspeaker system. We have coordinated closely with local law enforcement and emergency responders in advance.

Commander, Navy Installations Command is responsible for worldwide U.S. Navy Shore installation management, designing and developing integrated solutions for sustainment and development of Navy shore infrastructure as well as quality of life programs. CNIC oversees 10 Navy regions, 70 installations, and more than 43,000 employees who sustain the fleet, enable the fighter, and support the family. Follow CNIC on social media: Facebook,; X, @cnichq; and Instagram, @cnichq.

For media queries regarding Citadel Pacific, contact CNIC Public Affairs:


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